Sunday, June 30, 2013

What is The Burndown Chart?

A burn down chart is...

In the Agile software development world, a burn down chart is a visual representation of the effort remaining before the end of the sprint (iteration) or project. A burn down chart has a Y axis (work) and an X axis (time). Ideally, the chart illustrates a downward trend as the amount of work still left to do over time "burns down" to zero.  Some burn down charts also combine work completed.   (Personally...I prefer this combined view)

What if we looked at the burn down as it relates to our life?

  • The the things we want to do while here on this earth, in this body
  • The the things we want to do with our kids before they move out of our house
  • The accomplishments we want in our career
  • The steps needed for a selected goal
  • The morning routine.... get dressed, eat, brush teeth and become a normal human being... 
For my life purposes, I will therefore refer to any of these as "The Burndown Chart"
Stay tuned... more posts to come.....